
À l'Occasion Tu Souris - Coralie Clément

Whispery-voiced, winsome, '60s-style retro lounge-pop which is studiously faithful to the original "ye-ye" style of Francoise Hardy, Jane Birkin and their cohorts, yet also takes full advantage of modern recording technology and ambient musical ideas. Clement's languid sound is in large part sculpted by songwriter/producer Benjamin Biolay, an up-and-coming youngster who has worked with several other singers, as well as older artists such as Henri Salvador and Alain Bashung. This is a beautiful, dreamy album, admittedly unchallenging yet completely delicious, and recommended for those in a mellow mood. (PS - if you like this, you might also check out Francoiz Breut, whose style is similar, but infinitely richer and more creative.)----By
jqr "Know what free advice is worth" (Brooklyn) Amazon

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